Epiaeschna heros

(Swamp Darner)

Epiaeschna heros is a large dragonfly that occurs very commonly throughout Alabama and Mississippi. The breeding habitat, as the common name implies, is forested swamps as well as smaller woodland pools. Adults are often found away from water, sometimes swarming in impressive numbers as they feed on winged ants or other small insects.


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Epiaeschna heros, male

NORTH CAROLINA, Chatham County (posed)

Epiaeschna heros, female

ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa County

Epiaeschna heros, female

ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa County

Epiaeschna heros, female

ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa County

Epiaeschna heros, nymph

GEORGIA, Walker County

Epiaeschna heros, nymph

GEORGIA, Walker County