Gomphurus lineatifrons

(Splendid Clubtail)

Gomphurus lineatifrons is restricted to the northern half of Alabama, and does not occur in Mississippi. Its distribution slightly overlaps that of the similar G. dilatatus, and the two species are known to occur together at a few sites. Habitat is most often small to medium, cool, clear streams, usually with some gravel.


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Gomphurus lineatifrons, male

ALABAMA, St. Clair County

Gomphurus lineatifrons, nymph

ALABAMA, Jefferson County

Gomphurus lineatifrons, male

ALABAMA, Clay County

Gomphurus lineatifrons, male

ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa County

Gomphurus lineatifrons, female

ALABAMA, Bibb County

Gomphurus lineatifrons, female

ALABAMA, Macon County