Didymops transversa

(Stream Cruiser)

Didymops transversa is a very common stream species throughout most of Alabama and Mississippi. In addition to streams and rivers of varying sizes, this dragonfly can occasionally be found patrolling, and breeding in, ponds and reservoirs. Often one of the first species to be seen flying in the early spring.


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Didymops transversa, male

ALABAMA,  Tuscaloosa County

Didymops transversa, mating pair

ALABAMA,  Tuscaloosa County

Didymops transversa, female

ALABAMA,  Bibb County

Didymops transversa, female

GEORGIA,  Upson County

Didymops transversa, mating pair (+1)

ALABAMA,  Tuscaloosa County

Didymops transversa, male

ALABAMA,  Houston County

Didymops transversa, male

Didymops transversa, nymph

ALABAMA,  Chilton County

Didymops transversa, nymph

ALABAMA,  Bibb County