Phanogomphus exilis

(Lancet Clubtail)

Phanogomphus exilis is a ubiquitous dragonfly across much of Alabama and Mississippi, although it is somewhat less common in the extreme southern parts of both states and has yet to be documented from any of the counties bordering the Mississippi River. Habitat is a wide variety of both lentic and lotic habitats, but the species is more often found around ponds and lakes.


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Phanogomphus exilis, nymph

MISSISSIPPI, Lowndes County

Phanogomphus exilis, female

ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa County

Phanogomphus exilis, female


Phanogomphus exilis, male

ALABAMA, Bibb County

Phanogomphus exilis, male

ALABAMA, Perry County

Phanogomphus exilis, male

ALABAMA, Bibb County