Gomphurus vastus
(Cobra Clubtail)
Gomphurus vastus might be the most likely member of its subgenus to be seen, but it is not really “common” in our area. This species is known to occur across the northern part of Alabama and the southern part of Mississippi; additional surveying would likely increase the number of records from both states. Habitat includes medium to large streams and rivers with slow to moderate flow.
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Gomphurus vastus, male
ALABAMA, Bibb County
Gomphurus vastus, male
ALABAMA, Bibb County
Gomphurus vastus, female
GEORGIA, Upson County
Gomphurus vastus, female
MISSISSIPPI, Grenada County
Gomphurus vastus, emergence
ALABAMA, Bibb County
Gomphurus vastus, nymph
ALABAMA, Bibb County