Enallagma geminatum
(Skimming Bluet)
Enallagma geminatum can be found at scattered localities throughout Alabama and Mississippi. Suitable habitat includes ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams with floating vegetation. Males occasionally have the blue antehumeral stripes broken into an upside-down exclamation mark. This species, along with many other lentic damselflies, is often found with one to many parasitic mites attached to its thorax or abdomen.
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Enallagma geminatum, male
SOUTH CAROLINA, Kershaw County
Enallagma geminatum, male
ALABAMA, Macon County
Enallagma geminatum, male
ALABAMA, Hale County
Enallagma geminatum, mating pair
NEW YORK, Broome County
Enallagma geminatum, nymph
ALABAMA, Shelby County