Argia fumipennis
(Variable Dancer)
Argia fumipennis is a highly variable species that is commonly encountered throughout Alabama & Mississippi at a variety of habitats. Individuals from the northern portion of our area have clear wings (Argia fumipennis violacea -- Violet Dancer), while those in the extreme south have very dark wings (Argia fumipennis fumipennis -- Smoky-winged Dancer). An area of intergradation between the two forms exists in the central portion of both states.
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Argia fumipennis, male
TENNESSEE, Cumberland County
Argia fumipennis, male
ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa County
Argia fumipennis, male
FLORIDA, Santa Rosa County
Argia fumipennis, female
ALABAMA, Bibb County
Argia fumipennis, female
ALABAMA, Covington County
Argia fumipennis, nymph
ALABAMA, Covington County