Anomis erosa
Yellow Scallop Moth
Monroe County, Alabama

Anticarsia gemmatalis
Velvetbean Caterpillar
Perry County, Alabama

Anticarsia gemmatalis
Velvetbean Caterpillar
Pickens County, Alabama

Caenurgina crassiuscula
Clover Looper
Bibb County, Alabama

Catocala muliercula
The Little Wife Underwing
Perry County, Alabama

Catocala ultronia
Ultronia Underwing
Chilton County, Alabama

Celiptera frustulum
Black Bit Moth
Bibb County, Alabama

Cisseps fulvicollis
Yellow-collard Scape Moth
Noxubee County, Mississippi

Cissusa spadix
Black-dotted Brown
Cherokee County, Alabama

Cycnia collaris (= C. inopinatus)
Unexpected Cycnia
Pickens County, Alabama

Dasychira atrivenosa
(No common name - Hodges #8299)
Bibb County, Alabama

Dasychira manto
Manto Tussock Moth
Bibb County, Alabama

Dasychira manto
Manto Tussock Moth
Bibb County, Alabama

Dasychira meridionalis
Southern Tussock Moth
Pickens County, Alabama

Estigmene acrea
Salt Marsh Caterpillar
Autauga County, Alabama

Estigmene acrea
Salt Marsh Caterpillar
Choctaw County, Alabama

Euchaetes egle
Milkweed Tussock Moth
Bibb County, Alabama

Halysidota harrisii
Sycamore Tussock Moth
Bibb County, Alabama

Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth
Autauga County, Alabama

Haploa contigua
The Neighbor
Jackson County, Alabama

Hypena abalienalis
White-lined Hypena
Monroe County, Alabama

Hypercompe scribonia
Giant Leopard Moth
Cumberland County, Tennessee

Hypercompe scribonia
Giant Leopard Moth
Noxubee County, Mississippi

Hyphantria cunea
Fall Webworm
Dallas County, Alabama

Hyphantria cunea
Fall Webworm
Clarke County, Alabama

Hypsoropha hormos
Small Necklace Moth
Bibb County, Alabama

Hypsoropha hormos
Small Necklace Moth
Monroe County, Alabama

Ledaea perditalis
Lost Owlet (Buttonbush Owlet)
Greene County, Alabama

Ledaea perditalis (prepupal)
Lost Owlet (Buttonbush Owlet)
Hale County, Alabama

Mocis latipes
Striped Grass Looper
Choctaw County, Alabama

Orgyia definita
Definite Tussock Moth
Bibb County, Alabama

Orgyia leucostigma
White-marked Tussock Moth
Hale County, Alabama

Oruza albocostalialta
White Edge Moth
Macon County, Alabama

Palthis angulalis
Dark-spotted Palthis
Macon County, Alabama

Panopoda carneicosta
Brown Panopoda
Bibb County, Alabama

Panopoda rufimargo
Red-lined Panopoda
Bibb County, Alabama

Panopoda rufimargo
Red-lined Panopoda
Noxubee County, Mississippi

Parallelia bistriaris
Maple Looper
Bibb County, Alabama

Phyprosopus callitrichoides
Curve-lined Owlet
Talladega County, Alabama

Lascoria ambigualis
Ambiguous Litter Moth
Noxubee County, Mississippi

Plusiodonta compressipalpis
Moonseed Moth
Marengo County, Alabama

Plusiodonta compressipalpis
Moonseed Moth
Lawrence County, Alabama

Ptichodis herbarum
Common Ptichodis
Bibb County, Alabama

Pyrrharctia isabella
Woolly Bear
Marengo County, Alabama

Selenisa sueroides
Legume Caterpillar
Pickens County, Alabama

Selenisa sueroides
Legume Caterpillar
Clarke County, Alabama

Selenisa sueroides
Legume Caterpillar
Sumter County, Alabama

Spiloloma lunilea
Moon-lined Moth
Lawrence County, Alabama

Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth (Yellow Woolybear)
Dekalb County, Alabama

Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth (Yellow Woolybear)
Hale County, Alabama

Orange Virbia
Virbia aurantiaca
Bibb County, Alabama

Zale galbanata (early instar)
Boxelder Zale
Lowndes County, Alabama

Zale helata
Brown-spotted Zale
Cleburne County, Alabama

Zale lunata
Lunate Zale (defensive posture)
Marengo County, Alabama

Zale lunata
Lunate Zale
Noxubee County, Mississippi

Zale lunata
Lunate Zale (defensive posture)
Noxubee County, Mississippi

Zale metatoides
Washed-out Zale
Cherokee County, Alabama

Zale phaeocapna
Hazel Zale
Bibb County, Alabama

Zale phaeocapna
Hazel Zale
Bibb County, Alabama